Museum Ludwig Cologne

View from Heinrich-Böll-Platz in the evening

Museum Ludwig aerial view

Brick and titanium zinc facade

Museum Ludwig / Philharmonie

Bischofsgartenstr. 1, 50667 Cologne



Busmann + Haberer GmbH

Stadt Köln

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Museum Ludwig / Philharmonie

The building next to the cathedral accommodates both Museum Ludwig and the Philharmonie.
At a total of 25,000 sq m, its size notwithstanding, the building fits well into the townscape thanks to its small-patterned facade. Also, the building is broken down into an above-ground and an underground part; the Philharmonie’s concert hall is built into the cathedral hill and at the surface is only marked by its roof, viz., Heinrich-Böll-Platz.
Above ground, the building has smaller units, accommodating the museum’s workshops, and the main building, staggered and sub-divided to the south. The two buildings are separated by an alley leading to Heinrich-Böll-Platz.
The museum’s design took account of the nearby Cologne Cathedral. The exhibition rooms provide various views of it.
The architecture of the museum is determined by the 10.8m grid, broken down into 90cm units. These units, or fractions or multiples thereof, thus form a uniform appearance.
The above-ground facade is faced with bricks; the shed roofs covered with titanium zinc. The underground concert hall is shaped like an amphitheatre.

Author: editorial baukunst-nrw
Last changed on 08.10.2007


Architecture » Public Buildings » Cultural (cinemas, theatres, museums)

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