Villa Cuno

Haßleyer Straße 35, 58093 Hagen

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listed building converted, renovated or extended

1910 / 1995-96


Architekt Walter Gropius
Ingenieurbüro Bild + Partner Beratende Ingenieure mbB
(supporting structure conversion 1995-96)
Architekt Peter Behrens

Heinrich Cuno

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Villa Cuno

Within the framework of plans for the "Hohenhagen" colony of artists, architect Peter Behrens presented a development plan for the western part of the exclusive residential area. On the acute-angled triangular property at the junction with Stirnband-Straße, Behrens, on behalf of Osthaus, in 1909/10 built the home of the then Hagen mayor Willy Cuno. A bent interior staircase developing from the entrance area and lit through long and narrow windows characterises the neo-classically strict facade design. The cubic structure is strictly plain. Today, Villa Cuno accommodates a kindergarten

Author: Route Industriekultur
Last changed on 04.01.2023


Architecture » Residential buildings » Mansion/villa

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