Kiffe-Pavillon Münster
Kiffe-Pavillon Münster, Foto: Thomas Robbin

About baukunst-nrw

„baukunst-nrw“ - Internet Guide to Architecture and Innovative Engineering in North Rhine-Westphalia

„baukunst-nrw“is an internet based guide to architecture and innovative engineering in North Rhine-Westphalia. As a dynamic platform, the content is directed towards the broader public, offering an overview of outstanding, interesting, innovative and historically significant projects in the fields of architecture, engineering as well as interior architecture, landscaping and urban design in North Rhine-Westphalia.

The Chamber of Architects in North Rhine-Westphalia and the Chamber of Engineers North Rhine-Westphalia received for baukunst-nrw the internet award Deutscher Preis für Denkmalschutz 2012.

An object is included in “baukunst-nrw“ based upon the following criteria:

1. Contents:

The objects should be of note in terms of its

  • design,
  • functions,
  • technology,
  • history,
  • social function,
  • economic function or
  • energetic

2. Procedure:

An inclusion might be indicated by an object:

  • being listed,
  • having received a recognised award,
  • having won an architects’ competition.

3. Other:

Objects might also be included if they

  • characterise the land- or townscape,
  • have become a symbol of a town/region,

are of much importance to a town’s or quarter’s development.

Using differentiated search options, you have the possibility to select projects - categorised by date, project type, location and author – which are of special interest to you.

Photos and descriptions offer an initial impression of the selected object. In addition, the object and its surroundings can be precisely located via an integrated link to “Google Maps”. Route directions can be created with multiple objects.

In principle, “baukunst-nrw“ is a platform to which anybody interested can contribute. Suggestions for projects for inclusion can be made by members of the Chamber of Architects and their clients and employers, as well as by other parties.

The guide to architecture and innovative engineering “baukunst-nrw“ is based on a concept developed by Prof. Dr. Torsten Scheer and Dr. Andrea Mesecke, further developed by the Chamber of Architects in North Rhine-Westphalia and the Chamber of Engineers NRW, and realised through the agency keybits.

The Chamber of Architects in North Rhine-Westphalia and the Chamber of Engineers NRW are responsible for the project, which is part of the initiative “StadtBauKultur NRW“.

The technical realisation of the project is supported by the Ministry of Construction of the Federal State of North Rhine-Westphalia.

Total projects: 483

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Total projects: 483

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