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Total projects: 483
44809 Bochum
S-shaped suspension bridge for pedestrians and cyclists
46238 Bottrop
60m tall triangular steel pyramid at Halde Beckstraß
44577 Castrop-Rauxel
Re-design of a tip with a walkable sundial
45884 Gelsenkirchen
Pedestrian and cycle bridge made of boltels connected by steel gussets
45699 Herten
Largest mining tip in Europe with a horizontal sundial and a horizon observatory on layered horizons
47506 Neukirchen-Vluyn
Lead project of Landschaftspark NiederRhein with a “stairway to heaven“ made of steel
46117 Oberhausen
Steel arched beam bridge for pedestrians with a curved ground plan across the Rhein-Herne-Kanal as one link in the Emscher-Landschaftspark (landscaped garden) network.
45661 Recklinghausen
Dragon-shaped pedestrian bridge