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Total projects: 483
Your search achieved 26 results. The following list is sorted by distance.
Your search criteria:
42651 Solingen
The railway company´s old freight sheds converted into artists´ studios
Distance: 4.32 km
42781 Haan
Distance: 4.38 km
42117 Wuppertal
Longest road tunnel in NRW
Distance: 4.51 km
42659 Solingen
Germany’s highest arched beam steel bridge, crossing the Wupper valley between Solingen and Remscheid
Distance: 5.98 km
42109 Wuppertal
Municipal swimming pool with a striking exterior
Distance: 6.85 km
42103 Wuppertal
Municipal concert hall with a sandstone facade and a remarkable sound, opened in 1900
Distance: 6.94 km
42103 Wuppertal
Classicist double tower facade church
Distance: 7.13 km
42103 Wuppertal
Distance: 7.46 km
42103 Wuppertal
Distance: 7.76 km
40822 Mettmann
New museum with a closed structure and a helical exhibition ramp
Distance: 9.48 km
42859 Remscheid
New building of Supfina Grieshaber GmbH’s technology centre in Remscheid
Distance: 9.55 km
42285 Wuppertal
The suspension railway is Wuppertal’s landmark with a history of more than 100 years
Distance: 10.00 km
42275 Wuppertal
Distance: 11.21 km
42281 Wuppertal
Modernisation of the garden town estate that developed in the 1920s
Distance: 11.46 km
42553 Velbert
Exposed concrete tent-shaped church
Distance: 12.13 km
42897 Remscheid
Distance: 12.29 km
40627 Düsseldorf
Renovation and redevelopment of the school admin building of Georg-Schulhoff-Realschule in Düsseldorf
Distance: 15.36 km
40597 Düsseldorf
Classicist palace with expansive grounds
Distance: 15.50 km
51519 Odenthal
Former Cistercian minster
Distance: 16.94 km
40237 Düsseldorf
Four-storey building with a full glass facade and access ramps outside
Distance: 18.74 km
40233 Düsseldorf
New building of the HQ Stadtwerke Düsseldorf by integrating historical industrial architecture
Distance: 18.92 km