Haus Ripshorst in the Emscher Landschaftspark in Oberhausen

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Haus Ripshorst, view from the canal bridge

farm garden

installation with wood

Haus Ripshorst (im Emscher Landschaftspark)

Ripshorster Straße 306, 46117 Oberhausen

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Lohaus · Carl · Köhlmos PartGmbB Landschaftsarchitekten · Stadtplaner Landschaftsarchitekt Martin Diekmann

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Haus Ripshorst (im Emscher Landschaftspark)

The Ripshorst grove garden was created in accordance with the plans provided by landscape architects Lohhaus and Diekmann from Hanover and shows the distribution of the species of trees in a geological context. Foraying from “tertiary” to “cultural plants”, visitors get to know unusual beauties like the tulip tree with its striking flowers and the amber tree with its Indian-Summer-like colours.
A daring bridge based upon plans by Prof. Dr. Schlaich from Stuttgart in a steel-pipe arch crosses the Rhein-Herne-Kanal and links the grove garden with the Emscherpark cycle path.
In Ruderalpark Frintrop, south of the grove garden, the former marshalling yard now shows a ruderal flora with hardy pioneer plants.
East of the Ripshorst grove garden, on the site of the former sewage treatment plant “Läppkes Mühlenbach“ “Klärpark Läppkes Mühlenbach“ (sedimentation park) developed in accordance with plans by landscape architects Heimer and Herbstreit. Emschergenossenschaft, as their client, was successful in turning the characteristic industrial culture into a useable landscape park.
Since 1999, the Emscher Landschaftspark information centre can be found in the buildings of the former Haus Ripshorst farm. An exhibition on Emscher Landschaftspark not only shows the well-known highlights but also many minor projects.

For more information, please visit:
Europäisches Gartennetzwerk (

Author: European Garden Heritage Network
Last changed on 18.06.2008


Landscape Architecture » Parks

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