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Total projects: 483

Landschaftspark Emscherbruch

Landschaftspark Emscherbruch (landscape park) is the result of a special conversion of a former industrial area. Situated on the outskirts of Herten and Recklinghausen, the former pit was converted into a public park with various leisure and recreational facilities and with the support of Regionalverband Ruhr.
Mining had turned the originally flat and extensive area into an industrial site of enormous importance to the region. At the same time, mining changed the landscape by creating man-made hills, now integrated into the park.
After construction was started in 2004, in May 2006 the first part of the new park was opened to the public. The final work on the 750ha site is scheduled for 2008.
The central part of the park is Berghalde Hoheward (mining tip). It is about 100m high. It is to become a hiking hill featuring some observation points, which made the landscape architects headed by DPLG Professor Henri Bava come up with a structured system of stairs, footpaths and rest points.
The top plateau is to feature a horizon observatory. At this site, we already have a 3,000m² sundial, whose style are 8.65m. It casts a shadow onto a circular surface of 62m in diameter.
The site will also feature an “activity park” and a lavish garden area. The former pit as such is used in various ways. The extant building complexes and former storage areas in front form Ewaldpromenade. It is already a venue for festivals, sport events or concerts and various media organisations’ major events.

For more information, please visit:
Europäisches Gartennetzwerk (

Author: Editorial baukunst-nrw
Last changed on 23.10.2007


Engineering » Energy
Landscape Architecture » Parks

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