Steel truss bridge

Foot and cycle path

Bridge bearing detail

Bridge foot form above

Neulandbrücke Leverkusen

Rheinallee, 51373 Leverkusen



Ağırbaş / Wienstroer Architektur & Stadtplanung

Landesgartenschau Leverkusen 2005 GmbH

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Neulandbrücke Leverkusen

Neulandbrücke is a pedestrian bridge built for the Landesgartenschau 2005 across Rheinallee and thus taking pedestrians from the said site to the bank of the Rhine. The bridge is a 160m long 3-field support structure with a field width of 39m, 45m and 39m respectively. Through its doubly rolling shape, the steel truss structure offers the viewer alternating perspectives. Just like the bulk of the Landesgartenschau site, Neulandbrücke has been built on a former landfill. After its difficult clean-up its surface was sealed. This meant special specifications for the foundation of the bridge.
The 100t bridge rests on only four foundations, supported by up to 24m deep pile foundations. This design meant that the landfill’s sealing only had to be penetrated at very few points. The bridge is illuminated by LEDS in the hand rails.

Author: Editorial baukunst-nrw
Last changed on 17.09.2007


Engineering » Transportation

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