Osterfeld Residence


Günter-Kleine-Straße 1, 44532 Lünen

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2005 – 2007


Architekturbüro AFW

Bauverein zu Lünen

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Osterfeld Residence

Growing old in your neighbourhood with “as much independence as possible and as much help as necessary” – in the “Osterfeld Residence” project, this principle has inspired a very special and sophisticated range of services for the very elderly, services that have been fully integrated into a holistic neighbourhood development programme catering to senior citizens. The heterogeneous housing requirements of the elderly were translated into homes providing independent, supervised or communal living in a setting where people look after one another, but also maintain their privacy and independent lives.
The area is situated in the south of Lünen’s inner city in park-like surroundings, thus harmonising with nature. Supported partly by social housing funding, existing flats were modernised and four new residential buildings were constructed with a total of 136 rental units suitable for the elderly and a small-scale nursing care facility with 59 units. The reconstructions and new constructions were partly financed with social housing funds.
Integration into the as a whole neighbourhood offers the residents a wide array of facilities, including various types of housing, institutional support services, and opportunities for recreational activities.

Author: Route der Wohnkultur
Last changed on 27.04.2023


Architecture » Residential buildings » Multiple Housing

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