L 418, 42117 Wuppertal
Ingenieur Prof. Dr. Bernhard Maidl | IMM Beratende Ingenieure
Advanced search with more criteria
Total projects: 483
42109 Wuppertal
Distance: 2.34 km
42103 Wuppertal
Distance: 2.42 km
42103 Wuppertal
Distance: 2.94 km
When the new L418, a southern Wuppertal by-pass, had been finished this tunnel also was opened on March 29, 2006. The tunnel with its two tubes is the core of the entire construction project and at a length of 1.8km the longest tunnel in NRW.
Each tube has two lanes of 3.5m each and a hard shoulder. The tunnel “climbs” 80m. It took 3,600 blastings to build it and 300,000m3 of soil and rock had to be disposed of. The tunnel meets the latest safety requirements. 6 connections between the tubes, two of which are drivable, are also emergency exists. The tunnel has also been equipped with traffic control systems, electronic ventilation systems, fire alarms, video cameras, tunnel radio and orientation lights. 84 video cameras and 26 fog and smoke measuring systems provide safety.
Including the tunnel, this stretch of the L418 costs a total of Euro 81m, privately pre-financed for the very first time. Construction and financing costs were capitalised in the market and the Land’s repayment from 2007 divided into 15 equal annuities.
Author: editorial baukunst-nrw
Last changed on 21.08.2007
Engineering » Transportation