Rheinisches Industriemuseum in Oberhausen

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building of the former Zinkfabrik Altenberg

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view of the Elektrozentrale

tower on the area of the former Zinkfabrik Altenberg

Zinkfabrik Altenberg / LVR-Industriemuseum


Hansastraße 20, 46049 Oberhausen

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1855 / 1997


Wolfgang Felder | BauCooP Köln

Stadt Oberhausen

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Zinkfabrik Altenberg / LVR-Industriemuseum

Zinkfabrik Altenberg is one of the few extant factories in the Ruhr area from the late 19th century. After it was closed down in 1981, Landschaftsverband Rheinland (regional authority) in 1984 took the buildings of the factory under its wings and established the main facility of the Rheinisches Industriemuseum there. Since 1997, the state-of-the-art "Museum der Schwerindustrie" (museum of heavy industry) on 3,500m² displays the 150-year history of the iron and steel industry in the Ruhr and Rhine area. Ingot moulds, rolls weighing several tonnes, a 10m tall and 53t heavy steam hammer or a steam engine accompany the visitor along his impressive trip through time.

The entrance area shows how zinc is extracted and processed and what health and environmental risks its production entailed. Where in the past zinc was processed into metal sheets, visitors can now travel through time on a trip from the origins of heavy industry to its boom years and crisis. Iron and steel production machines, steel colossuses weighing several tonnes, ingot moulds, rolls, a 10m tall and 53t heavy steam hammer illustrate the working processes. One of the largest exhibits is the freight train steam engine 50 2429, built by the Krupp locomotive factory in 1942. In front of the entrance, a Wuppertal suspended railway double arch crosses Hansastraße.

Due to renovation work, the museum in the Zinkfabrik Altenberg will remain closed until 2024. During this time, the former Hauptlagerhaus der Gutehoffnungshütte and depot of the LVR-Industriemuseum serves as an alternative location for the museum.

Author: Route Industriekultur/ Editorial baukunst-nrw
Last changed on 21.12.2022


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