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Total projects: 483
Your search achieved 7 results. The following list is sorted by distance.
Your search criteria:
33189 Schlangen
Distance: 9.39 km
32805 Horn-Bad Meinberg
Distance: 11.59 km
33098 Paderborn
Museum of a very unconventional shape, urbanistically breaking down Paderborn Domplatz
Distance: 12.83 km
33165 Lichtenau
High-speed train railway tunnel
Distance: 12.99 km
33104 Paderborn
The impressive moated castle reflects the influence of many an era
Distance: 14.88 km
32756 Detmold
Former palace built in the Renaissance style on the foundations of a 13th-century castle
Distance: 19.53 km
32756 Detmold
Largest state theatre in NRW
Distance: 19.71 km