Advanced search with more criteria
Total projects: 483
Your search achieved 11 results. The following list is sorted by distance.
Your search criteria:
46509 Xanten
Gothic cathedral, finished in 1544
Distance: 10.67 km
46509 Xanten
Open-air museum on the site of a Roman colony
Distance: 11.46 km
46509 Xanten
New museum of the same dimensions as the porch of the ancient thermal bath
Distance: 11.65 km
47475 Kamp-Lintfort
Waste incineration plat with an exemplary scrubbing system
Distance: 13.89 km
47495 Rheinberg
Introverted house whose central courtyard developed from cutting through, shifting and scaling
Distance: 14.70 km
47475 Kamp-Lintfort
Residential estate for Friedrich-Heinrich pit
Distance: 16.92 km
47475 Kamp-Lintfort
Historical reconstruction of a baroque monastery garden
Distance: 17.10 km
46539 Dinslaken
Three new egg-shaped digesters for the Emschermündung sewage works
Distance: 17.59 km
47169 Duisburg
New mosque in Duisburg Marxloh
Distance: 18.28 km
47198 Duisburg
Timber-truss railway bridge
Distance: 19.25 km