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Erweiterung Schachtanlage Technologiezentrum Lünen

Am Brambusch 24, 44536 Lünen

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SSP AG | Architekten Ingenieure Integrale Planung
(architectural design)
Lederhose, Wittler & Partner GbR
(structural design)

LÜNTEC-Technologiezentrum Lünen GmbH

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Erweiterung Schachtanlage Technologiezentrum Lünen

At Technologiezentrum Lünen, a former pit, the Luigi Colani “UFO” has been hovering over the former pit frame since 1985. Since 2001, this building of the shut-down pit has accommodated the Technologie- und Gründungszentrum (technology and start-up centre) and the Academy of Applied Science.
A new ensemble with a cubic new office building developed on the basis of a 2007 competition for the expansion of the overall office space. The “UFO” and the shaft shed beneath were converted into a multifunctional building.
There wasn’t much structural intervention, so the industrial charm of the shaft shed was preserved. It is now serves as an entrance of sorts to the “UFO”. In future, exhibitions and other industrial, cultural and artistic events will take place here. The “UFO” as the ensemble’s highlight does now provide space for a business lounge. There is a fabulous 360° panorama view to be had at 37m once again. Inside, the light control system creates the right atmosphere.
The new office building is sort of antithetical to the rather heterogeneous old buildings, especially through the earthy “black” colours and the cubic and clear facade. The dark, almost monolithic facade contrasts with the lavish, room-high window openings, which make for transparency and lightness inside the building.
The integration of all necessary installations into the core’s components creates a clear structure with uniform office spaces and maximum flexibility. Heat in winter and ventilation in summer are provided by concrete core activation. An intelligent and automated light control system allows a photovoltaic yield control in winter and proper shading in summer.

Deutscher Fassadenpreis 2009, Anerkennung

Author: SchürmannSpannel AG / Editorial baukunst-nrw
Last changed on 04.03.2025


Architecture » Commercial Buildings » Offices

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