St. Petri Dortmund

church at night

view from the east

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antwerp altarpiece

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St. Petri Kirche Dortmund

Westenhellweg, 44137 Dortmund

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1322 / 1352/53 (Chor) / 1954-67 (Wiederaufbau) / 2008 / 2023 (Sanierung)


Spital-Frenking + Schwarz Architekten und Stadtplaner BDA Ernst Friedrich Zwirner PFEIFFER · ELLERMANN · PRECKEL GmbH

Ev. Kirchenkreis Dortmund

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St. Petri Kirche Dortmund

St.-Petri-Kirche in the west of downtown Dortmund is an example of the special design of medieval hall churches in Westphalia. Nave and aisles of the three-bay building have the same height. The ground plan is almost square, the chancel thus somewhat short.
One special feature is the cambered belfry, which after having crumbled in 1752 and been destroyed in 1943 had to be rebuilt. Its full size was only restored in 1981. The height of its spire of 60m can be put down to a competition between Reinoldikirche and St.-Petri Kirche in the 15th and 16th century. The base is 15m high, the total tower stands 105m tall.
After having been destroyed many times over, the only original element is the baptistery.
Inside, the late-Gothic winged altar from 1521, originally manufactured for the Dortmund Franciscan monastery, is noteworthy. It is the largest Flemish altar of the Middle Ages. Unfold, the 7.4m wide and 5.6m high altar shows 36 detailed pictures, gold-plated wood-carved figures. It is therefore also called “Das Goldene Wunder“ (the golden wonder). 

Architekturpreis Dortmund Hamm Unna 2023 (BDA), Anerkennung
Auszeichnung guter Bauten 2010 (BDA Dortmund), Auszeichnung

Author: Editorial baukunst-nrw
Last changed on 14.08.2024


Architecture » Public Buildings » Religious

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