Schauspielhaus Bochum

Schauspielhaus Bochum at night

view from the north

detail of the facade

view from the west

Schauspielhaus Bochum

Königsallee 15, 44789 Bochum

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Architekt Gerhard Graubner

Stadt Bochum

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Schauspielhaus Bochum

The theatre was finished in 1953 after two years of construction. The architect responsible was government architect Gerhard Graubner, professor at Technische Hochschule Hanover.
The old city theatre there was destroyed in a bombing raid in 1944. However, parts of the wall of the stage area, its foundations and the reinforced concrete wreath resting on supports had not been destroyed. It was thus an obvious choice to integrate this structure into the new building, which ultimately also determines the cubage of the building.
An innovation in terms of theatre technology, later also taken up by other theatres, was the “iron curtain” in front of the proscenium. This could now be used as a stage - previously impossible - and the arrangement also made for more proximity to the audience.
The building has almost original furnishings in the publicly accessible area. Be it lighting, furniture, wall covering – the building’s interior is 1950s all over.

Author: Denkmalliste Stadt Bochum /Editorial baukunst-nrw
Last changed on 16.12.2008


Architecture » Public Buildings » Cultural (cinemas, theatres, museums)

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