Schloss Borbeck

Schlossstraße 101, 45355 Essen

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awarded building listed building converted, renovated or extended

ab 1300 / 2005 (Umbau)


Heinrich Theodor Freyse

Stadt Essen

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Schloss Borbeck

Schloss Borbeck (castle) with its history that can be traced back into the 9th century is a very important historical building in Essen.
To keep the standards prevailing in the castle, a conversion and extensive renovation of the upper floor and the attic floor became necessary.
On the first upper floor, exhibition rooms were installed that display the castle and its environs’ history. It also features a music hall across tow storeys and a conference room, both connected by a lavish foyer.
On the second upper floor, we find a chapel and the register office in the two towers facing each other and rooms for musical and further education classes and the entrance to the hall’s gallery.
For concerts and many other uses, the existing room with its much too low ceiling was expanded into the roof by removing the suspended ceilings. A sarking steel structure forms the new filigree support structure.
Suspended red glass lamellas make for a good sound in the hall and lend it a festive atmosphere by drawing on a historical colour.

Auszeichnung guter Bauten 2006 (BDA Aachen), Anerkennung

Last changed on 03.06.2024


Architecture » Public Buildings » Palaces/Castles/fortifications
Architecture » Public Buildings » Cultural (cinemas, theatres, museums)

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