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Your search achieved 56 results. The following list is sorted by distance.
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58135 Hagen
Manor in the regional (“bergisch”) rococo style
Distance: 5.57 km
58339 Breckerfeld
Quarrystone retaining wall
Distance: 6.28 km
58135 Hagen
Important extant building of the "Hagener Impuls"
Distance: 6.98 km
58091 Hagen
Open-air museum with rebuilt workshops and factories
Distance: 7.13 km
58089 Hagen
Villa in the late-classical style, drawing upon the Renaissance
Distance: 7.90 km
58095 Hagen
Municipal art museum in the style of historism
Distance: 8.51 km
58095 Hagen
Museum for Emil Schumacher as a concrete-glass structure
Distance: 8.54 km
58095 Hagen
Stadtsparkasse Hagen’s multifunctional counter area
Distance: 8.73 km
58091 Hagen
Former workers’ housing estate of Eilper Klingenschmiede (oldest workers’ housing estate in Westphalia)
Distance: 8.82 km
58300 Wetter
Hydro-electric power station with an attractive turbine house by Bruno Taut
Distance: 9.03 km
58093 Hagen
Workers‘ housing around 1900 and today
Distance: 9.50 km
58093 Hagen
1908 crematorium of a strictly geometrical design
Distance: 9.71 km
58093 Hagen
Villa with a strict facade design and a striking staircase
Distance: 10.56 km
58093 Hagen
Nine “exemplary”, individually designed houses
Distance: 10.66 km
58093 Hagen
Art Nouveau-style artist’s residence as a modern residential / commercial building
Distance: 10.71 km
58093 Hagen
Art nouveau Gesamtkunstwerk, now “Museum des Hagener Impulses”
Distance: 10.75 km
58313 Herdecke
Former manor of the Harkort family
Distance: 10.82 km
58313 Herdecke
Impressive railway bridge with 12 semi-circular arches
Distance: 11.52 km
58099 Hagen
New parish hall at Philipp-Nicolai-Kirche with a two-storey glazed foyer
Distance: 11.73 km
58452 Witten
Water tower from 1910, still in use
Distance: 12.81 km
58313 Herdecke
Former pump storage station at Ruhrstausee Hengstey
Distance: 13.39 km
42275 Wuppertal
Distance: 13.80 km
42281 Wuppertal
Modernisation of the garden town estate that developed in the 1920s
Distance: 14.02 km
58452 Witten
A picturesque railway viaduct across the Ruhr valley near Witten
Distance: 14.62 km
42285 Wuppertal
The suspension railway is Wuppertal’s landmark with a history of more than 100 years
Distance: 14.97 km
44265 Dortmund
Castle ruin and Kaiser-Wilhelm monument
Distance: 15.07 km
44265 Dortmund
First contemporary new casino in Germany
Distance: 15.19 km
42897 Remscheid
Distance: 15.61 km
58452 Witten
15th-century castle ruin, converted into a public cultural facility
Distance: 15.61 km
58452 Witten
One of the first pits to switch to drift mining
Distance: 15.64 km
58452 Witten
Villa in the “Italian” late-classicist style
Distance: 15.68 km
58239 Schwerte
Run-of-river power station with a complete weir system, in operation since 1922 almost unchanged
Distance: 15.70 km
58456 Witten
Oldest castle within the Witten limits, from the 12th century. It was restored from 1984 to 1988 in accordance with the regulations pertaining to historical monuments.
Distance: 16.15 km
58452 Witten
Town hall built in 1926, late historism, reduced neo-baroque
Distance: 16.36 km
58455 Witten
HQ of the Witten public services company in a striking design
Distance: 16.50 km
58455 Witten
Residential home and small architect’s office in Witten with a perceivable layering of the functional areas
Distance: 16.92 km
58453 Witten
Protestant round-arch gallery church
Distance: 16.98 km
42103 Wuppertal
Distance: 17.18 km
44797 Bochum
Romanesque parish church with a Gothic chancel
Distance: 17.21 km
58448 Witten
New university building of a light and lavish architecture
Distance: 17.39 km
58455 Witten
New ensemble with four towers and a flexible interior structure
Distance: 17.40 km
42103 Wuppertal
Distance: 17.81 km
42103 Wuppertal
Municipal concert hall with a sandstone facade and a remarkable sound, opened in 1900
Distance: 18.17 km
42103 Wuppertal
Classicist double tower facade church
Distance: 18.31 km
44797 Bochum
Conversion and expansion of a former stable
Distance: 18.31 km
42109 Wuppertal
Municipal swimming pool with a striking exterior
Distance: 18.33 km
45525 Hattingen
Housing in the medieval city centre
Distance: 18.37 km
44229 Dortmund
Contemporary architecture and urban development in an estate of single-family homes
Distance: 18.56 km
45527 Hattingen
Traditional iron works, now a site of the LWL-Industriemuseum
Distance: 18.68 km
42859 Remscheid
New building of Supfina Grieshaber GmbH’s technology centre in Remscheid
Distance: 18.73 km
44801 Bochum
One of the largest German universities, the first post-war university
Distance: 18.76 km
44229 Dortmund
Five Stadtbahn stops of a uniform design with longitudinally rolling roofs
Distance: 19.16 km
45525 Hattingen
Housing with services in an industrial monument
Distance: 19.37 km
45525 Hattingen
Modern studio house in an historical context
Distance: 19.53 km